Receive 0.0025 MSC + 0.05 TMSC as reward.
To redeem this reward, you need a Reddit account with more than 50 karma. Make also sure you check out /r/omni.
If you go on, you will be forwarded to Reddit. There you need to grant access to an application called Mastercoin faucet. You will be redirected to this page again, after you finished the process. The access will be revoked automatically after 60 minutes. You can also revoke the access here manually.
Don't worry, we don't want your data - this is solely a protection against abuse, so we are able to give out free MCS to as many interested people as possible.
Or go back instead.
Users shall receive only one MSC and one TMSC reward. If you received a MSC reward earlier, you may only receive a TMSC reward and not both. If you already claimed both rewards (not limited to this authentication) you are not eligible to receive another one.